Friday 4 April 2008


When I should be - Sleeping.
Recent POP - Appliqued Cloud T shirt.
Half finished project - Material drink corset.
So - product of procrastination is born! Here is where I will try to keep an up-to-date progress report on all my projects. I have recently brought out my little sewing machine again, a singer feather weight, originally bought for quilting - which I never did any of! I started off looking for a new card purse and not being able to find one I set about making one. It was more successful than I expected so I did some internet searching for inspiration and found and the website sublime stitching which I had been given a book of embroidery patterns by a friend when I was traveling. So I went out to a brilliant fabric shop near me in Manchester, Abakhan fabrics, and bought threads, felt, stuffing, scraps and remnants and came home made a bit of a mess and -
2 felt donuts
felt toadstool
pear pincushion
mock crocheted top
embroidery patches
embroidered teatowels, bag and knickers
appliqued T-shirt
russian doll needle-book
I will post a slideshow of my projects and try to add them all to let you see my successes and failures!!
My boyfriend is great at stencils so we thought we might make a few and create some T-shirts or bookbags and hopefully sell some as well - so watch this space! He will be the designer and I will be the craft drive behind it because I am unfortunately not blessed with too much artistic talent! I hope you enjoy finding out about my projects and I will add interesting things I have found out as I go along as well!

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